Friday, December 20, 2019

Critical Analysis Essay On The Death Of Osama Bin Laden

Critical Analysis Essay: On the Death of Osama Bin Laden By Barack Obama Introduction When President Barrack Obama mentioned of the September 11th attack, for a moment the wounds left in the hearts of the Americans started bleeding again. There was nothing that could that could stop the bleeding other than one statement: â€Å"the perpetrator of the attack has been brought to justice†. On the night of 2nd May 2011, the Americans were woken up by the unusual speech delivered by the 44th president of the United States of America. The speech began by the president mentioning one of the worst terror attacks that have ever happened on the American soil. At that moment, the citizens remained silent as they listened and watched the speech. All they†¦show more content†¦He further added that Bin Laden was Muslim mass murdered and not a Muslim leader as many people were claiming. He added that U.S was responsible for the murder of Osama since it was the only way to revenge for the innocent citizen who were killed during the attack. He further added the loss th e attack caused to American in which 3000 citizens lost their lives. The departed left holes in the society with no one to fill. However he recommended the Americans for the support they offered each other during the attack. And it was during that grieving period that America’s government promised the citizens to bring to justice those who had committed the vicious attack. Although, it did not take long before America realized that the Al Qaeda group was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. In addition, the organization was led by Osama bin Laden. Besides, the Al Qaeda group had declared war openly on the States of America (Capone, 2011). As a result, the group was ready to terminate lives of innocents’ lives in America and the entire world. Therefore, America started war against Al Qaeda with the aim of protecting the citizens, friends as well as allies. However, after 10 years of the heroic and tireless effort of American military with the tireless support of the co unter-terrorism professionals American had yielded some fruits. In addition, America had strengthened its homeland defense and disrupted attacks by theShow MoreRelated Do the media ‘construct’ social reality, or does it simply report on it?2575 Words   |  11 Pagesreality; it becomes a way of story telling, made to the taste of the viewer, depending on the society of course. The same stories carry different values depending where when and how the stories are broadcasted, I will be talking about this in this essay. There are two approaches to report a piece of news; the realist, purely factual no interpretations given and very clear in usage of language. 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